Category Archives: Thoughts-which never can stop

It’s big me!


The biggest word,in my dictionary, (which I confess has only simple words :-)), is the word “trust”. Infact, its  the most dense, with a lot of  intrinsic meaning, and is worthy of giving it some serious deliberation. I m sure  that the amount of meaning the word signifies  cannot be detailed in any Websters of the world.  This word originates from the time of birth, and seeps into our blood cells all by itself.

As soon as the first cry of hunger is uttered, it generates several molecules of trust into our blood stream. The result is the “trust” that the mother would satisfy the hunger of the  new-born.  Then, the trust clings to the father as well.  The child trusts that the father is the supreme protector.  The child grows enough feather to  feel the outside world where he meets  several others but develops a “trust” in a few friends as his own, as partners in good and bad. After some time, the attraction to the opposite sex drives him/her to  trust someone who  becomes the natural partner. Now, everything from here till one’s end is based on “trust”. Sometimes, this is so glorious that it can make life a bed of roses and till the end, the “trust” keeps you upswing, happy, content to enjoy every moment of life, come what may! Real trust lasts a life-time, stands by you in some form to hold you upright in the most testing times, and can be felt deep inside.

Yet sometimes, “Trust” is mistaken, pampered, adulterated, altered, taken for granted,  to satisfy one’s own motives, needs.  Infact sometimes, “Trust” misleads, blinds you from inside and you do not realise the basis of so much of overdose till you arrive at a dead-end. 

Infact, if you attach some more thought i this direction, you will perhaps agree that “trust” itself is very a tricky and intelligent word. If there is really a well-meaning “trust” then it should only be  something which lets you be what you are, live for yourself, live by yourself wholly, without demanding you to be  a good this, a good that! (apply as required:-))  We should be the moderators of the “trust” factor within us, about what, who, why, how much and when this should come into picture.  The minute it gets spilt over like dirty wine, overflowing from a good-looking glass is when you realise that someone else was moderating the “trust” factors for you, and actually you never felt it yourself. Then, you keep getting tempted till you taste it for yourself, realise it was murky, and break the beautiful glass for no fault of it!   Trust me !!!

What goes around, comes around..


Its amazing how the world around us functions on a given day. Sometimes, i feel i am standing at the centrifugal point where only I stand still and every other object around me keeps revolving.
I have felt this so many times as some episodes, some scenaries, some objects, some faces..these keep crossing me more than once. I keep thinking it is only my perception, some mirage, or that my mind is hallucinating these either out of craving for these or the paranoea of experiencing these all over again.
Nowadays, I have stopped disbelieving myself, more so, my inner self. As i cross the next stage in my life, i humbly accpet that i am growing older, more capable and mature. I cannot drool in self doubt all the time that what i see may not be …not what is not. Infact, what i see is what i get to see and interpret. More work now for the brain to process the RDBMS and capture the result in a nutshell. And, I have to accept logic.
I can now understand what the book “games people play” is meant for. If not as much as the writer, i think, i have atleast arrived at a point where I know why people play some games, how they do, what they get and why they will not stop. Even more interesting is how people, to satisy the hunger of a unique kind will do anything to just get that unique satisfaction or thrill. Sometimes, it may be a personal sense of victory, false pride or the final ego, which refuses to accept reality.
I have seen people who constantly brag about themselves, their choices, their supremacy over the enire human race. These brags, i have seen last only for some time and slowly lack lustre when repeated too many times. People stop their intial adoration and soon start ignoring such dummies.
Some people who are straight dealers- they dont assume airs for anything which is really their big deal. Thhey believe in moving on with life as though if they had not done the big deal, someone else would certainly have done it, and even better. so, these sincere types have no big luggage to carry and they take life as it comes, cool, calm and dedicated in whatever they have prioritised. Thses people, I know are usually cheerful and determined to achieve their goals and do not attach fame or popularity as their ultimate objectives. They are ok even to miss one or two credits if it does not come its way.No cribbing policy.
Some people, by way of their upbringing or situations, always harper a feeling that the world is full of vice elements and they would be either beaten or burried with no traceswhile competing to achieve something in life. They always find excuses for not being able to make it somehow and attribute most trivial reasons as factors that contributed to their action. Such people fail to believe that the whole world has better things to do than to sit in awe and monitor them all the time. It is a pity that instead of live and let live, they take the route dont live and dont let live. For them, they will be happy only as long as things happen in their stride but will not be able to assimilate what they could have done better.
At the end of my mini thesis, i only feel, there is only one truth that is all peravasive and that is.. “what goes around, comes around” sometimes in several mulltiples, sometimes in minute particles. We do not have any control over this process as long as the earth spins around its orbit and the world functions with human beings as the main cast and every other thing is only designed to support the main cast.